Chemical and Biological Systems Optimization Lab.


Elucidates the topological and flux connectivity features of genome-scale metabolic networks and enables the global identification of blocked reactions, equivalent knockouts, and sets of affected reactions. The FCF computational procedure allows one to determine whether any two metabolic fluxes, v1 and v2, are (i) fully coupled, if a non-zero flux for v1 implies a non-zero, but also a fixed flux for v2 and vice versa; (ii) partially coupled, if a non-zero flux for v1 implies a non-zero, though variable, flux for v2 and vice versa; or (iii) directionally coupled, if a non-zero flux for v1 implies a non-zero flux for v2 but not necessarily the reverse.

Burgard, A.P.#, E.V. Nikolaev #, C.H. Schilling, and C.D. Maranas (2004), "Flux Coupling Analysis of Genome-scale Metabolic Reconstructions," Genome Research, 14, 301-312. [600 kb]
# These authors contributed equally to this work.

Click here to see sample input file #1.
Click here to see sample input file #2.

Implemented in Lindo and STL C++. Useful Links. Publications.